Fudoshin Martial Arts
Fudoshin Martial Arts - Art of the Samurai, Way of the Warrior
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All instructors are qualified First Aiders as well as fight referees and competent Martial Arts trainers


Tony Ball (Soke)

Tony Ball brought the concept of Fudoshin to Australian shores in 1981 from England where he learnt directly from Soke Lawrence for many years. Tony was a 3rd Dan when he arrived and started teaching Fudoshin at a local public school hall. Since then, he has taught many students and graded many people to Black Belt and more. He has conducted workshops and seminars for the public as well as other Martial Artists. He has the title 'Soke' meaning 'head of the school/family' which keeps with Fudoshin tradition. Soke teaches advanced lesson in Fudoshin to the higher ranks as well as presides of gradings and senior-level training. He is currently ranked as a Fudoshin Master, 7th Dan Fudoshin Bujutsu and included arts and Fudoshin Weapons Master.

Darren Ball (Sensei) of Yamagawa Dojo

Sensei Darren Ball

Darren Ball is Soke Tony Ball's son and has been training in Fudoshin from the age of 3. He was graded to Black Belt in 1991 at 13 years old and was made a senior Black Belt at 17. Darren runs the YamaGawa Dojo in Seaford and teaches all of the classes there. He is currently ranked as probationary 4th Dan (Yondan-ho) in Fudoshin Bujutsu, Fudoshin Weapons Master, 1st Kyu in Fudoshin Karate and 2nd Kyu in Fudoshin Judo.

Sensei Darren believes that Martial Arts training is a serious undertaking, one where the philosophical elements (incorporating Martial Virtues, the Code of Honour and personal development) are equally as important as the physical ones.

"I don't teach street fighters, nor do I teach people to be robots or drones copying everything I tell them. I want to teach people the fundamental principles of Fudoshin, which is to create highly competent, intelligent and moral Warriors. The skills of Martial Arts, and those of the Martial Artist, far excede those of pure violence or fighting. It is about living a true-way that inspires others as well as helping to strengthen the community."

Senior Students - assist the instructors in demonstration of technique and instruction of the junior students. 'Senior' refers to skill level and not age level. These Senior grades, or Sempai, are those of Black Belt level who have begun the journey of learning the finer aspects of the Martial Arts.

Sempai Stuart Griffin

Sempai Matthew Smithells

Sempai Cyril Jezek

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